Montecristo Epic Premium Selection '07 Churchill
Montecristo Epic Premium Selection '07 Churchill
Altadis assigned their most skilled and accomplished cigar makers, whom they call their "Grupo de Maestros" or Master Group, to create the Montecristo Epic. This goes to show the level of attention detail that goes into the process of making this cigar, with each stick being meticulously inspected and every box including a Certificate of Authenticity signed by the artisans at every step. The Montecristo Epic Robusto will not let you down. Its select Ecuadorian Habano wrapper is silky smooth and adds some spiciness, while its aged vintage Nicaraguan and Dominican 2007 tobaccos give this cigar its complexity and appeal.
Shape: Double Corona
Length: 7"
Ring Size: 56
Strength: FULL
Wrapper: Ecuadorian Habano
Binder: Nicaragua
Filler: Dominican Republic, Nicaragua
Country of Origin: Dominican Republic
Quantity per box: Box of 10