Collection: Fonseca
Fonseca is a cigar brand with a long history that traces its roots back to the 19th century. The brand was founded by Don Francisco Fonseca in 1892 in Cuba and quickly gained popularity for its premium cigars.
Non-Cuban Fonseca Cigars: After the Cuban Revolution in the 1960s, many cigar brands, including Fonseca, were affected by nationalization and changes in the Cuban cigar industry. As a result, some Cuban ciga. . . Show More >
Fonseca is a cigar brand with a long history that traces its roots back to the 19th century. The brand was founded by Don Francisco Fonseca in 1892 in Cuba and quickly gained popularity for its premium cigars.
Non-Cuban Fonseca Cigars: After the Cuban Revolution in the 1960s, many cigar brands, including Fonseca, were affected by nationalization and changes in the Cuban cigar industry. As a result, some Cuban cigar brands began producing versions of their cigars outside of Cuba. Today, non-Cuban Fonseca cigars are produced in the Dominican Republic and are owned by the Quesada family.
Non-Cuban Fonseca cigars often have a distinct character from their Cuban counterparts. They are also typically milder to medium-bodied and are crafted using a combination of Dominican and other Central American tobaccos. These cigars may appeal to cigar enthusiasts who enjoy a smoother and more approachable smoking experience.
As with any cigar brand, individual preferences play a significant role in the enjoyment of a cigar. Whether you choose a Cuban or non-Cuban Fonseca cigar, it's essential to explore different sizes and blends to find the one that suits your taste preferences best. Additionally, please note that cigar availability and blends may vary over time, so it's always a good idea to consult with a reputable tobacconist for the latest offerings.
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My Father Cigars Fonseca Robusto
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My Father Cigars Fonseca Cedros
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