Collection: Crowned Heads
Crowned Heads is a premium cigar brand known for its unique and creative approach to cigar-making. The company was founded in 2011 by Jon Huber and Mike Conder, both of whom had significant experience in the cigar industry before starting the brand.
Crowned Heads takes pride in its dedication to artistry, storytelling, and craftsmanship. Their cigars are inspired by historical figures, places, and events that have. . . Show More >
Crowned Heads is a premium cigar brand known for its unique and creative approach to cigar-making. The company was founded in 2011 by Jon Huber and Mike Conder, both of whom had significant experience in the cigar industry before starting the brand.
Crowned Heads takes pride in its dedication to artistry, storytelling, and craftsmanship. Their cigars are inspired by historical figures, places, and events that have left a significant impact on American history and culture.
The brand collaborates with renowned cigar manufacturers, such as Ernesto Perez-Carrillo Jr., Don Pepin Garcia, and Willy Herrera, to produce their cigars. This collaborative approach ensures that each blend has its distinct character and flavor profile, providing a diverse range of smoking experiences.
Crowned Heads cigars are made with high-quality tobaccos sourced from various countries, including the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, and Ecuador, among others. Their portfolio includes both medium and full-bodied cigars, showcasing the brand's versatility and ability to cater to different taste preferences.
In addition to their commitment to quality, Crowned Heads is known for its captivating artwork and unique packaging, adding to the overall experience and appeal of their cigars.
Over the years, Crowned Heads has gained a loyal following among cigar enthusiasts who appreciate their innovative and thoughtful approach to blending and storytelling. If you're looking for cigars with character and a touch of creativity, Crowned Heads is a brand worth exploring.
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Crowned Heads Pichardo The dreamer Lancero
Regular price From $14.94 USDRegular priceUnit price / per