Foundation Cigar Co. Menelik Toro
Foundation Cigar Co. Menelik Toro
A medium-strength cigar with deep notes of earth, oak and pepper. It sports an oily, dark chocolatey Mexican San Andres maduro wrapper over a Nicaraguan Corojo binder and a Nicaraguan filler. Handmade in Nicaragua, the leaves for the filler come from three of Nicaragua’s top tobacco producing regions: Condega, Jalapa, and Esteli. The Foundation Menelik Petite Toro was originally released as an event only blend. Now, it’s available at select Foundation Cigar retailers but as a small batch release. Only 1,000 boxes of 12 cigars per box will be shipped per quarter so order yours today.
Shape: Toro
Length: 6"
Ring Size: 52
Strength: MEDIUM
Wrapper: Mexican San Andres Maduro
Binder: Nicaraguan Corojo
Filler: Condega, Esteli, Jalapa, Nicaragua
Country of Origin: Nicaragua
Quantity per box: Box of 12
Box-Pressed: Yes