Arturo Fuente From Dream to Dynasty Collection 22-Cigar Sampler and Book
Arturo Fuente From Dream to Dynasty Collection 22-Cigar Sampler and Book
If you're a passionate Arturo Fuente fan, cigar enthusiast, historian, or simply someone who enjoys a fine cigar with a great book, this exclusive sampler is tailored just for you. Housed in a stunning, collectible box, this limited-edition set features 22 premium Arturo Fuente cigars. Among the selection, you'll find rare gems like the Hemingway Between the Lines, Opus X 25, and BBMF, alongside classic offerings and top-tier brands crafted by Fuente, including Ashton, J.C. Newman, and Prometheus.
The cigars come neatly arranged in two 11-count boxes, making it easy to explore this curated collection. But that's not all—this remarkable sampler also includes The Arturo Fuente: From Dream to Dynasty, a captivating book written by cigar industry expert Aaron Sigmond. Known for his role as the founding editor of Smoke magazine and The Cigar Report, Aaron details the Fuente family's inspiring journey from humble beginnings to becoming global icons in the world of cigars. The 304-page book, richly illustrated with beautiful photographs, offers a wealth of cigar lore, fascinating trivia, and insights that will enhance your cigar experience.
With only 1,500 samplers available, this is a true collector's item. Don’t miss your chance—order yours today!